Be Expectant
I was beyond expectant as Christmas 1977 neared. Our daughter was born exactly one week before the celebration of His birthday that year, but a full fortnight after her due date. Our Blessed Mother’s journey to Bethlehem was heavy on my mind as I awaited the birth of our second child. If Mary could endure a lengthy donkey ride right before Jesus’ birth, who was I to complain about what I considered to be two additional weeks of pregnancy?
This busy month of December our family will light multiple candles in honor of the birthdays of a brother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, and nephew. Every family has their birthday celebration traditions. In ours, it would be the telling of that person’s birth story, including details like the time of day you were born, what the weather was like, and assorted reactions and observations from family members. I think (I hope!) that we have come to expect and anticipate these annual birth stories.
As we prepare to light the 4th candle on our Advent wreaths, we draw ever closer to that most anticipated birthday celebration, the Nativity of Our Lord. Perhaps you have been retelling Jesus’ birth story to your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, complete with the drama of no room at the inn, amazing signs, and the interesting cast of characters and animals involved in His welcome to the world?
Will you join me in spending a little time each of the few remaining days before next Wednesday to remind yourself that the joy of Christmas is found in Jesus? Let us savor the expectancy of His arrival instead of the details and preparation surrounding the holiday.
The following prayers are borrowed from one of my Advent devotionals, God with Us, by Deacon Greg Kandra. I think they are fitting petitions for these last few days leading up to the birthday of our shared holy family’s most special person. Let’s celebrate all those who bring the Christ-light into our lives, our hearts, our world. Pray for our hearts to become welcoming mangers to receive Him every day.
God of Wonder, open my heart to the miracle of your Son and the luminous wonders that unfold around me every day. Amen.
God our Father, thank you this season for the gift of family—especially the gift of Jesus, our Savior and our Brother. Amen.
God of All Giving, thank you for the gift of your love and all you have given us through Jesus. This season, may I always strive to pass on that priceless gift to others. Amen.
God of Trust, help me trust in you, so that I will get done all I need to during this frenzied time. Be my companion and support, now and always! Amen.
God of Unending Light, bring brightness to our world and set our hearts aglow as we prepare to celebrate the greatest of lights, your Son. Amen.
Christmas blessings upon you and your families.