Faith Friday Blog
Our life can be a witness for others in little and big ways.
“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” - Evangelii Nuntiandi 41
Choose Your Own Adventure
Do you remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? This series of books began circulating in the 1980’s…
You Are Here
I always appreciate a very helpful graphic whenever I visit a large public space, such as a mall or park or museum…
Mustard Seed Sowers
A saint is someone who does the ordinary things in life extraordinarily well…
Giving Until It Hurts
“I want to give, but I don’t know how much it’s going to hurt.”
I heard this phrase several times from students as our school tried to fill all the open blood drive slots…
Welcome Words
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105)
I like words. I like to read them. Writing them in cohesive sentences gives me great satisfaction...
All About the Food
Whenever we are planning a get-together with family or friends at our home, my husband inevitably reminds me not to stress about the menu…
Thirteen years ago this week, our family was crowded into a courtroom in Ottawa finalizing our adoption of Trinity…
Basketball is life….the rest is just details. I wanted one of those shirts so badly. As a young teen, I could show everyone how important basketball was to me…
Pain in the Neck
You get the meaning, even if it wasn’t a commonly used phrase when you were growing up…
She was easily the best backwards walker I have seen. I barely noticed her checking behind for obstacles or potential interference…
Disciple to Apostle
It is mentioned in the Old Testament over one hundred times in some form and in the New Testament over fifty times. God must have thought it important to caution us against fear…
Apparently, I needed a lesson in connectivity this week. The reliability of my Toshiba laptop and all software applications plus our internet connection have been blessedly reliable…until this week. Frustrating and time consuming are the least objectionable descriptive adjectives that come to mind…
The Pink Candle
Some of it has been in hindsight, but I am both excited and somewhat surprised to report what a week of JOY this has been.
Father Adam got the ball rolling with his homily on Sunday. Among other things, he reminded us of the importance and priority of joy – Jesus-Others-Yourself…
When I teach my students how to write an introduction, one concept I teach them is how to write using a hook. I tell them you want to hook the reader right away by saying something that will get the audience's attention. Well, something spectacular happened Thursday morning at our school mass. Father Adam hooked the kids…
Start your journey
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