She was easily the best backwards walker I have seen. I barely noticed her checking behind for obstacles or potential interference. In fact, I found myself peering behind her because I was concerned her foot may find a branch on the sidewalk or a bicycle may cross her path. However, even more impressive than her backwards walking was her contagious excitement for her college as she gave our son and others a campus tour. She declared, “I just love this place! I want to tell everyone how great it is!”

Jess, our tour guide, wanted to tell the world about the college that she loved so much. She thought others would want to experience the excitement and wide variety of experiences that she has enjoyed on campus. Jess could not keep inside what she thought others would benefit from.

Jess reminded me of what the early Church members must have felt like after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This weekend we celebrate God sending down the Holy Spirit among the three thousand, And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. (Acts of the Apostles 2:4)

The Holy Spirit enabled, or equipped, the early Church members with the gifts they needed to share the good news and belief in the resurrection of Jesus. God delivered on His promise to send forth the Spirit, and our Church is still here today because of a lineage of believers and those ordained to continue to bestow the Holy Spirit upon the baptized and confirmed.

We need Church members with the excitement of tour guide Jess and who are guided by the Holy Spirit like those at Pentecost to witness to the love of the Gospel. Those first Church members at Pentecost were not only motivated to share but equipped to share why they believed what they believed. The Holy Spirit that was sent and received at Pentecost is the same Spirit that our families and friends receive at Baptism and Confirmation today.

To each individual the manifestation of the spirit is given for some benefit. (1 Corinthians 12:7)

When I read those sacred words, I believe that I have a role, a mission, in using the gifts given to me for the benefit of the Church. I know that the Holy Spirit I have received is there to strengthen the gifts God has placed within me, and within each one of us. May you be reminded of the gift of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost Sunday, and may you believe that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)


Let His Light Shine


A Higher Calling