Be An Epiphany
Attending Mass for the first time after the funerals of each of my parents was especially hard for me. I would find myself near tears during much of the liturgy. Memories of these loved ones came flooding back. I appreciated anew their strong faith in God, their great love for the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Word. I missed the goodness of them and their presence in my life.
I remember entering our parish church for Mass the weekend after my mom’s out-of-state funeral. My heart was heavy-laden. A fellow parishioner greeted me just inside the church and her words made things so much easier. Having also recently lost her last parent, Maureen first expressed her sympathy to me. And then she described a wonderful image: she pictured our parents playing cards together in heaven and marveling at the coincidence that their daughters attended the same church.
That day, Maureen gave me a gift of compassion, humor and hope that I remember over a decade later. She manifested the Light of Christ at a time when I most needed that consolation.
This weekend we celebrate The Epiphany, the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the world. The Magi arrive in Bethlehem! These wise men represent the first gentiles to acknowledge Christ’s divinity. Jesus was made manifest to us; now it is time to return the favor and make the Jesus-in-us manifest to others.
Shouldn't Epiphany be more than an event but a way of living our lives? How can we be Epiphany to others? How can we reveal the Christ-Light in each of us so others can be warmed by it? How can our lives reveal Jesus to those we come in contact with?
Perhaps it starts with a smile or a hug. Words of comfort or a compliment. A listening ear and an open heart. I’m sure it will take prayer and practice to become an Epiphany of Jesus to others on a regular basis. Being the recipient of Christ’s Light many times from others has convinced me that it will be worth the effort.
“May the splendor of the Lord shed light upon our hearts.” (Epiphany Collect 2023)
My prayer for each of us: Loving God, help our gift of life bless the lives of others. Help us become Epiphany in our world.