Faith Friday Blog

Our life can be a witness for others in little and big ways.

“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” - Evangelii Nuntiandi 41

Mary Mary

Pain in the Neck

You get the meaning, even if it wasn’t a commonly used phrase when you were growing up…

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Kim Kim

Let His Light Shine

As I was preparing for this week's writing, I was reading about this Sunday being the Holy Trinity. I began thinking about God's role in my life and how the Holy Spirit has worked in me even when I didn't see it or wasn't aware of it…

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Alison Alison


She was easily the best backwards walker I have seen. I barely noticed her checking behind for obstacles or potential interference…

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Alison Tarr Alison Tarr

Heirs to the Throne

Some messages are so loud and clear that we can’t forget them. They resonate deep within us. At that point, if the message is one of Truth, then it’s likely that the Holy Spirit is guiding the message further and further within us…

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Alison Alison

Point Me in the Right Direction

Lately I have felt like I need to carry around a sign that says, “Point me in the right direction.” Just in case I look lost, or my brows are completely furrowed, please just point me in the right direction…

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