Faith Friday Blog
Our life can be a witness for others in little and big ways.
“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” - Evangelii Nuntiandi 41
What Netflix Teaches Us
Do you remember when the summer TV offerings were all reruns? Many, but not all of you, remember the time before the internet existed…
Greatness of Soul
I am not a fan of committing to a New Year’s Resolution. It always sounds like a great idea in theory…
Time is Running Out
Time is running out.
I have either said this or ran this thought through my head multiple times this week…
Learn from Penelope
One week ago I started my 7th year of teaching at St. Mary's School. I teach English, so it seems obvious that I would read with my students. With all of my junior high classes, I read "We Don't Eat our Classmates" by Ryan T. Higgins. This is a children's book that has an awesome message for all ages…
Start your journey
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