
When I teach my students how to write an introduction, one concept I teach them is how to write using a hook. I tell them you want to hook the reader right away by saying something that will get the audience's attention. Well, something spectacular happened Thursday morning at our school mass. Father Adam hooked the kids. For his homily, he brought out a small grill with pieces of wood, a pile of charcoal, small pieces of cardboard, lighter fluid, and a small torch. I was sitting behind the 8th graders. They all inched forward a little bit and perked up a bit. He had their attention.

He began talking about the message from the Gospel, Luke 12:49-53 - Jesus said to his disciples: "I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!" Father Adam asked if the kids knew how to build a fire and then demonstrated how hard it is to keep a fire going when the hot coals are spread out all over the altar or the world. The kids were literally sitting on the edges of their seats. Jesus is the fire. His love for us is ever present. In order for his love to keep growing in us, he wants us to be near him and continue to stoke the fire. I can see the spark in some of our students. The fire is burning in some of our kids (and some of their teachers too!!). They are getting the message. I saw the fire in our 7th and 8th grade SMS confirmation student's eyes last Friday in Peoria at the Cathedral, the Fulton Sheen Museum, and as volunteers at Sophia's Kitchen. Some of our students had not been to the Cathedral before. When the doors opened and they stepped in, they were in awe. The grandeur and beauty was spectacular and then when you hear the history behind all the intricate details, the kids couldn't help but be inspired. The kids toured the Relic Chapel looking for their confirmation saints. They were blessed enough to get to see the Fulton Sheen tomb in the Cathedral. The students were moved. They were respectful and thoughtful and so engaged. The kids then volunteered for a couple hours helping prepare bags of food and supplies for the families in need in Peoria at Sophia's Kitchen. They were like sponges soaking up all of the grace and love they could get their hands on. They saw how blessed they each are and how God is present in each one of them. These students are growing in every way imaginable. Continue to pray that these kids stay grounded in the light of God and always have that fire to have him in their lives. God Bless.


The Approach


The Day the Music Died